MBA Admissions

In the year 2009, around 250,000 candidates participated in the CAT exam. The total number of student admitted in IIMs is around 1500. The rest of the top B-schools would select the next 1500 candidates. The total number of 3000 candidates are selected in the top b-schools among the 250,000 candidates. So the competition level for admissions in top B-schools is high.
The lists of other top B-schools are IIMs, XLRI, IITs and some of the universities like Anna University and Madurai Kamaraj University.
The Admission processes for top B-schools are conducted in three steps. The Entrance Exam, group discussion and personal interview.
MBA Entrance: The MBA entrance may differ depend upon the b-schools. The entrance test for IIMs, MDI, and S.P. Jain are all based on CAT (Common Admission Test).
CAT is purely based on mathematical, analytical & logical reasoning. This test helps to judge the IQ of the candidates and it also test the ability of a candidates to perform under pressure. This entrance exam is said to be most difficult exam in B-school level.
Group discussion: Based on the entrance, the candidates are selected for the group discussion. The group discussion helps to identify the new ideas of candidates, the way an candidate responds to others and it provides the opportunity for sharing the ideas.
Personal interview: If a candidate is selected in entrance exam and group discussion, the next level is personal interview for the candidate. If a candidate is selected in personal interview, the final admission notification would be given by the top b-schools.
Balajee Kannan
Careers Consultant
For getting admission in the best MBA colleges you have to prepare well.
Author: Aeronautical Engineering Colleges


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